All of us periodically experience mood swings, don’t we? Confusion is only one of the many emotions that mood swings can evoke. You can avoid many perplexed and upsetting feelings by keeping a mood journal. Unfortunately, most of us don’t have the time to sit down each day and jot down our emotions in a mood journal. As a result, you need a substitute— A mood tracker tool. But before that, we will guide you on how mood-tracking tools can improve your life quality, their benefits, features, and working.

How mood affects the quality of life?

Most people agree that our moods can influence how we physically feel; science has long known this. We generally experience lighter, brighter, and more carefree emotions when we are happy. On the other hand, after a complication, we often experience a lack of motivation, fatigue, and even physical illness. Frequently, we neglect to pay attention to our moods because we are distracted by our daily tasks and to-do lists.  We may experience anxiety and depression symptoms if this is left untreated. It’s barely surprising that many people are experiencing higher levels of depression and less optimism. If that’s the case, you must first track your mood if you want to control it. Check with yourself.

How can mood-tracking tools help?

The tracking, recording, and analyzing a person’s mood are all part of the positive psychology practice known as mood tracking. Mood tracking tools can help you identify factors that affect your mood and check mental health conditions. You can learn early warning signals and create countermeasures for bad moods. You may track behaviors, food intake, sleep patterns, and other activities in addition to your mood. These tools are readily available for those who are too busy or don’t enjoy writing down their feelings and experiences.  You can utilize it as a general journal to help you skillfully handle your mental and emotional awareness. You’ll not only be able to monitor your emotions and maintain emotional stability, but you’ll also have the opportunity to identify the triggers of your emotions and negative thought patterns.

Benefits of Mood Tracking Tools

There are many reasons why mood-tracking tools are beneficial. It could be helpful to you, for instance: Accessibility: Because these tools are handy, they can be a valuable resource for people who might find it difficult to access other options. Reliability: By identifying your negative moods, you may create self-improvement plans to help you recognize your mood patterns. Convenience: Because you can access these products anytime, they’re an excellent choice for active folks who are always moving. Anonymity: Most mood tracker tools contain features that let users search for information and seek treatment privately and securely. Engagement: Learning about mental health and enhancing well-being may be beneficial and even enjoyable with the help of these tools. 

Features to watch out for

Tools for tracking mood are widely available, but not all of them will provide you same features. Some let you track your mood and activity, while others use a cognitive behavioral therapy practice.  Here are a few essential features to watch out for when selecting the best mood tracker tools for your needs: Personal Notes: Even if you don’t journal every day, having the ability to record significant occasions and other things in addition to tracking your mood can be pretty beneficial. Customization: Moods are sometimes subjective. Thus, having the option to customize the app makes it feel more approachable. The best mood tracker tools allow you to change colors, emoticons, emotion and activity tags, notifications, and more. Activity Tracker: You can more accurately pinpoint triggers and wellness techniques by keeping a log of your actions. Community Support:  You can make friends and seek guidance anonymously if you’re reluctant to talk to your loved ones about your mental health. Reminders: The best mood tracker tools offer a notification option that prompts you to record your mood every day at a specific time.

How do mood-tracking tools work?

Mood tracking tools predetermine daily intervals, analyze the data, and look for “triggers.”  Additionally, some tools use machine learning—computer systems that run automatically based on data input—to anticipate a user’s mood. Then, based on those inputs, they track your moods and display the results appropriately.  Some tools also recommend coping mechanisms like cognitive restructuring, which effectively lower impulsivity while having a hard time. The more frequently you use a mood tracker, the more you start to see how particular circumstances affect particular moods. Your self-awareness is increased, which helps you modify your daily choices. Now, let’s discuss the best mood tracker tools to help you achieve all these benefits.


You can easily log activities daily by simply touching the buttons that correlate to the level for each mood in the eMoods app.  Although it can appear a little complex, this is relatively simple. The entire picture becomes clear when the data is compiled over a few days and displayed in an instructive graph.  Each activity is recorded on the calendar, showing little dots for emotions documented on that day. Features:

This tool also features a dedicated blog to assist users with general inquiries about moods and health. If nothing else works, you can always contact the helpline.

They also deliver online counseling, which can assist you in finding the best therapist for your needs.

If you purchase the tool, you can timestamp the notes, which is incredibly useful for accurately describing the incident.

If you frequently forget to take your medications, you can enable medication notifications, which is a great feature. 

You can create an account of your daily actions and give it to your counselor, which should aid in a more accurate diagnosis.

Indeed, eMoods is one of the best mood tracker tools available. This tool helps you develop a detailed profile of your daily activities and perform data analysis to understand your moods.

Mood Tracker

Mood tracking has never been easier, thanks to Mood Tracker. It is a compelling choice if you wish to log your moods and access your past ones online.  You can keep track of your workout routine effortlessly and organize email or text reminders. There are reminders for taking medications and some pertinent information on sleep habits. Features:

Users can communicate with their mental health professionals. With this feature’s help, clinicians can access the data entered into the app, allowing them to monitor your condition.

There is a public forum where you can interact with people who share your interests and get emotional support.

When you’re feeling depressed, it can notify your loved ones, allowing them to provide a hand and make you feel better.

A premium upgrade to Mood Tracker includes tracking for supplements, unlimited measurements, text message replies, and searches.

Mood Tracker is entirely online, so it’s simple for you to share your mood chart with others so they can support you in achieving your wellness objectives.


The purpose of Sanvello is to “help people build the life skills they need, anytime, anywhere, in any way they choose.” It offers professionally validated ways to handle stress, anxiety, and depression. You are prompted to keep a daily mood journal when you download Sanvello.  Features:

The app offers short questions to help you name your feelings and spot trends in your mood. 

Tools for cognitive behavioral therapy are made available to users by Sanvello.

Additionally, you’ll discover resources that can assist you in overcoming particular problems like morning dread, test anxiety, and public speaking. 

There is a community where you may connect with people anonymously and talk to people who can relate.

The Sanvello tools were demonstrated to reduce symptoms in randomized research of 500 persons with mild to moderate anxiety and depression. When users quit using the app, the effects continued.  Sanvello may be ideal if you seek the best mood tracker tools to keep your mental health in check.

Mood Panda

What is your level of happiness? MoodPanda is an interactive mood tracker that measures and observes your joy. It coaches you on how you’ve been feeling over time. It does this by producing attractive pie charts and graphs. Similar to a mood journal, this app tracks your mood. As often as you desire, you can alter your mood swings. Post a mood update in the app when you notice a change in your mood, perhaps at a particular time of day. Describe how you are feeling (for example, going from cheerful to sad), and grade how you are feeling on a scale of 0 to 10. Features:

You may view your mood on a calendar with MoodPanda as well. 

The program allows you to deliver virtual hugs to other users and update your mood on Facebook and Twitter.

It enables you to track changes in your mood over the past several days, weeks, or months.

You should bring this tool to your therapy sessions; it allows you to spot trends and keep your attention on what matters. You’ve already made significant gains toward enhancing your mental health if this habit enables you to comprehend and pay attention to your emotions. With its graphical analysis of your entries over time, MoodPanda goes above and beyond most mood trackers. 


Moodfit, a free mood tracker tool with insights intended to “shape up” your mood, is easily accessible on GooglePlay and the Apple App Store. This tool is supposed to help you get into mental fitness, much like how you could decide to get into physical form. Moodfit is made to make you feel better, whether you want to understand your emotions better or are dealing with anxiety, sadness, or excessive stress levels. Features: 

A quiz, a variety of articles, and audio files are all available to assist you in better understanding the symptoms you’re having. 

The questionnaire feature will help you gauge how severe your symptoms are.

The app includes a cognitive behavioral therapy section that can help you learn how to challenge overly cynical beliefs and a thought journal that offers techniques for changing irrational views so you can start thinking differently.

You can better understand your therapy with MoodFit. It helps you decide which therapy strategies are most valuable so you can learn how to ease your symptoms.

MoodKit by Thriveport

With CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) principles, clinical psychologists created MoodKit to assist you in integrating positive psychology practices into your daily life. This mood-tracking tool is made to assist you in engaging in mood-enhancing activities, recognizing and altering unhelpful thoughts, and monitoring your mood over time. Features:

Activities, Thoughts, Mood, and Journal, are the four features of this app.

The “Activities” feature has a space where users can enter specific objectives for their social life, physical activity, and healthy habits.

Among the options available to users are various forms of physical fitness, time-management strategies, mindfulness exercises, advice on eating healthily, and methods for enhancing social skills.

The “Thoughts” feature gives the user a place to write about upsetting recent events and their reactions to them. Then, users can contrast their recorded responses to several “thought distortions” that behavioral therapists have identified as typical.

Users are invited to rate their moods in the “Mood” feature and are free to do so as often as they like.

Users can enter diary entries or other remarks in the “Journal” feature.

It’s simple and intuitive to use this app for tracking mood. It is a practical tool for people to improve their mental health because it adheres to a well-researched therapeutic model for those struggling with anxiety, stress, and depression.

Best Life

Best life is a super-app that fits in the palm of your hand to assist you with all the tasks involved in bullet journaling, mood journaling, symptom tracking, and other tasks. It makes mood tracking simple if you want to keep a mood diary or even begin. Features:

You can organize your day following regional considerations, individual routines, quantifiable goals, and a science-backed mood tracker.

You may track everything, from health to home upkeep, using the fully customizable event tracking feature, and see the results in simple graphs.

For mental and physical check-ins, you may quickly and easily offer health practitioners precise data from your symptom reports, health monitors, and mood tracker.

Use this tremendous and one of the best mood tracker tools to improve your daily, weekly, and monthly tracking of mood. With the aid of a variety of tools provided by this productivity-improving program, you can plan and arrange your life in ways you never thought were possible.

Final Words

You can learn more about your feelings 😒😁😢😂 and the factors that trigger them by keeping track of your mood. Knowing who you are will enable you to make better decisions about improving your happiness. Test out any of the best mood tracker tools we’ve listed above to determine the app that most closely matches your preferences. You’ll learn important things about what influences your moods favorably and unfavorably and manage it better with time. You may also be interested in these Journaling Apps.

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