With the Lambda serverless computing platform launch in 2014, AWS has taken the front seat in the revolutionary trendsetting. As a result, the current era of the modern networking industry is experiencing a massive gallop. The coinage of the “Serverless computing” technology has been flowering from a bud at a fast pace. In other words, the architecture of Serverless computing is designed to an advantage. Here the code execution is under complete control and managed by a cloud provider. So, the developer’s task is getting easy to develop an application and deploy it on servers. Firstly, for the people in the favor, inculcating the serverless computing methodology provide workforce solutions. Secondly, those who are not in favor, Serverless being an advancing technology meant to bring in revolution will need to look at the benefits it offers. Meanwhile, if you are looking for more information for consumption or in any dilemma about investing in serverless computing, consider the following points below.

Advanced Crux of Serverless Architecture

The technology works with RestAPIs. It’s effortless to build serverless APIs using frameworks. To get it started as a developer, all you need to do is develop an application framework, a code to ping the backend, and a library for data processing. Subsequently, the most significant benefit you avail of is the “pay as you use” model. That is to say, the entire scheme is cost-effective while your deployment is on track. The serverless framework comes in handy in the integration of various extensions. You get the opportunity of building a varied range of apps using cognitive intelligence, data analytics, chatbots.

Edge Execution and Cost-effectiveness

As the fleet of servers is deployed by the serverless computing platform at the primary location around the globe – your code is being executed at the edge, near the users. Hence, response time is faster, and you pay for the resources you use. You pay only for the run time of the function-the duration and frequency of the code execution. On the contrary, included in the other models of cloud computing, it is mandatory to pay for idle resources also.

Many providers offer functions at the edge, and StackPath is one of them. You can get it started from as low as $10 per month, including 15 million request execution.

Function As a Service (FaaS)

The implementation of the technology comes under “Function As a Service (FaaS).” Here, the cloud vendor takes the responsibility of starting and stopping a container’s platform. The other activities include checks on infrastructure security, scalability. The other plus point here is that developers can run any application/backend code without provisioning servers. If we talk about AWS FaaS, Lamda handles all the rest of the functionality after the developers upload the code. Also, it is possible with the implementation of AWS Lambda to automatically trigger from any AWS services, web, or mobile app.


In the current era, people are choosing to opt for a logical domain: the ease of delivering new services in the environment. There is minimal extra coding effort to design a usable application. To the context comes the significance of “Nanoservices.” This microservice is reusable and easily deployable. Most importantly, the compatibility of serverless architecture with that of nano-services is incredible. The beauty of the nano services is that each functionality comes with its API endpoint. Also, each endpoint points to one separate function file—the results in the implementation of one CRUD (Create, Retrieve, Update, Delete). Above all, this microservice functionality integrates with the business solution through a suite of small services. This clips well with serverless computing. As a result, load balancing and scalability are improved. You no longer have to configure clusters and load balancers for servers manually.

Event-Based Compute Experience

When you have a high rate of function calls, it’s like to worry about infrastructure costs and provisioning of servers. In such situations, profitable facilities from serverless providers like Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Functions come to the rescue. You can trigger the functions based on events like upload image, user’s action, message availability, and so on.


With serverless, you don’t have to worry about it. Compute platform automatically scales the infrastructure to run the code. You have to figure out an appropriate trigger for a particular event to take place. With each trigger, the code runs simultaneously.

Capacity Decisions

According to research, 30% of the physical servers are in a comatose state. The approximate figure is around 11 million servers worldwide. Indeed, if you opt for a traditional server functionality, chances are you end up among this 30%. When sitting idle at the data center, the server demands your investment to get going for further usage. That is to say, you fall at the losing end with this plan.

In the other vein, the plan with serverless computing is that vendors are given truncheon. The companies no longer have to depend on the capacity decision. They take the decision and allow the required capacity at the right opportunity based on the needs of the enterprise — all in all, comparatively a good ROI on investment. Conclusion In conclusion, developers and investors everywhere are embracing this rising technology. The simplicity in the usage structure makes serverless computing cost-effective. As a result, the future is here with serverless computing. As a part of the integration procedure, vendors provide the API to upload the function with the URL for the user to access. Placing a lot of trust in them is crucial. Apart from AWS Lamda and Microsoft Azure, there are some other notable market players. The frameworks like Google Cloud Functions, IBM OpenWhisk also constitute the serverless wave. Looking at the current transition pattern, a lot of companies have associated with the serverless revolution campaign. To Sum up, you can expect this rising technology to reach the pinnacle of the cloud ecosystem. You may also be interested in Understanding Serverless Computing for Beginners.

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