Imagine you plug in your headphones, and your favorite playlist starts playing in seconds, or your brightness dims at night and increases in the morning itself. What if I say it is possible? Read further in this article to find out some apps to automate your Android Smartphone and make it all happen. The popularity of task automation apps is increasing among the youth. Now with automation apps, intelligent phones aren’t limited to only calls and entertainment. They have taken over the world by understanding their habitat and helping them. Let’s start with the basics.

What is an Android Automation App? 

Technology has updated so much that smartphones have great features to save time and energy. The same is the case with automation apps. These android apps have made smartphones the smartest. The automation apps are developed so that the users can insert and instruct the phone to do specific kinds of tasks at specific times and conditions. Isn’t that something interesting? Using automation apps is a convenient way to do your routine tasks without investing your manual energy. For example, you can send emails or texts, reduce battery drain, change brightness, backup files, and more. To do all this, you need to change a few settings and download a good automation app from the play store as per your choice.

How does an Automation App Work?

You would have seen the craze of Alexa, echo Dot in recent times. These devices communicate with the human environment through their surrounding sounds and actions. They can turn OFF your lights, play music, and more. Such devices are called home automation devices. Similar is with the automation apps. The work of automation apps is based on numerous combinations of actions and conditions. These apps already have a list of different conditions and actions which you can use to ease your daily routine work by automation. Conditions are generally based on the device settings and features like brightness, battery, file backups, etc. Besides this, the conditions can also be based on the device’s events, like opening a specific app by double tapping or pressing the power or volume button to cut the call. Sounds simple, right? Let’s talk about actions. Actions are the tasks you perform by yourself with your android handset. For example, reduce the brightness, skip a YouTube ad, etc. Automation apps provide a valuable set of tools to look over the conditions and take action whenever the conditions and actions you set match without your manual efforts. 

Are Automation Apps Needed? 

Android phones are very much customizable and offer immense features to cut your routine work and help you to save time. However, a few high-peak features in automation apps are not found in Android phones. Hence, you need to install an automation app for better features. Automation apps are like tuition classes, making smartphones the smartest without much manual effort. These apps are flexible to do the bulk of daily routine tasks smoothly. The best part of automation apps is it acts like your own made app without any programming or coding. So, you can expect your phone to perform certain tasks when your set conditions are met. This allows you to stay away from the phone and still get some work done.

Benefits of using an Automation App

Automation apps improve productivity and save time by giving various features and reasonable smartphone control. You can consider many points if we talk about the benefits of using automation apps. Let’s not go too deep and check the three main benefits of using these apps. Are you searching for an easy-to-use and suitable automation app for you and your phone? No worries, we have covered it for you. Here are some of the best Android automation apps to try out.


LlamaLab’s Automate is a free android automation app. This app allows you to automate many tasks like changing Bluetooth and Wi-Fi settings, sending emails or SMS, and more. You can create and give instructions to the app by using flowcharts, making it even more user-friendly. The app is ad-free, secure, and user-friendly. However, they even have in-app purchases with more than 30 premium unlocks to make the app more effortless. Key Features

Exciting and logical input method. The user should add different blocks and connect the dots to make a smooth automated task. The user interface of this app is straightforward. The app also provides expressions, variables, and functions for better use. The app is very secure and has no advertisement or trial period offers. Most of the features are available for free.

Automate is one of the most suggested and trusted apps on the play store. If you like staying updated with trends and utilizing your phone best, this is the right choice.


Are you looking for a colorful automation app? MacroDroid is here for you. MacroDroid is a simple, straightforward automation app with many unique features. They have a variety of options for essential features. MacroDroid gives you more than 85 trigger options to choose from. For example, it can be day/time, battery level, screen time, and more. MacroDroid allows you to set up one or more actions simultaneously. You receive over 100 actions to choose from, including sharing your location with selected contacts, converting texts into audio, and more. The app also provides over 50 constraints to make your actions and automation more preferable. MacroDroid is accessible on the play store and easy to use, but you may have to pay for more advanced features. Key Features

Everything is a well-organized system to simplify the process for you. This app allows users to communicate with each other and provides many templates for experienced users. MacroDroid has effortless and straightforward functionality compared to other famous and complex apps.

MacroDroid is suitable for people who like colorful and attractive themes. However, this app allows only limited Macros for free, but it is still worth using.

Action Blocks

Google is Android’s parent company. It always offers its users some great apps and features to improve their experience. Google’s Action Blocks is one of those examples. You receive features that can make your daily routine and your home screen more active by installing Google Action Blocks. Action Blocks allow users to customize the buttons and actions on their home screen. Key Features

Action Blocks act like your personal assistant on your smartphone. You can set up different physical actions like a tap, double tap, etc., to call your friend, play music, and more. This app has many features which are helpful for people who are physically challenged or disabled. Free to download and has a straightforward user interface

As mentioned before, Action Blocks has excellent features for people with disabilities. Besides, it ensures security and provides the best user experience to every user looking for smartphone automation. Key Features Android users rarely face storage issues, but if you prefer to upload only some essential pictures again on a cloud drive, then this automation can solve your problem.


This app is one of the most suggested apps whenever automation app names are listed. Tasker allows strict control of your smartphones and helps in smooth automation. Tasker is one of the most trusted apps on the Play Store and is widely used by people. Key Features

Tasker allows you to automate your smartphone and other smart devices like Alexa. Tasker has a good interface, and this app is best for making a combination of actions and conditions as they have comprehensive options and allows high-peak customization. Tasker is quite complex compared to other listed apps but once mastered, you will get the best UI-designed app. The app is well organized to try the best new actions and conditions combination.

Tasker is an expensive and complex app, as mentioned before, but it is well organized and has excellent features compared to all other apps. Hence, if you are looking forward to spending money on automation, it’s best to go with this one.


IFTTT has brought a significant change in the automation app world. This app works like a magic wand that helps you set up the tasks and actions within seconds. To set the actions, you have to fill in the blanks in the app, which asks ‘if___ then___’ with the trigger and the action. Sounds easy, right? This is what makes this app better than others. Besides this, you can also use this app on your phone and desktop to make both of them the smartest. This app works with any Android phone whose phone version is Ice Cream Sandwich or higher.  Key Features

Numerous options and features with easy setup formula This app is available on Android and iOS, and you can also use it on your desktop and tablet. The app recently introduced six new channels only for Android devices. This app allows you to upload photos to cloud storage without issues. Super easy to use and set up tasks

IFTTT is a simple, sober, and affordable app. You can also call it an all-in-one automation app. It can help you to completely control your phone, from brightness to auto upload in cloud storage.


This app’s features and name are similar to automate, but still, many other functions make AutomateIt stand out from the others. This is a powerful and most used automation app for Android users.  If you are already fed up with complex automation apps, then AutomateIt is the best one for you. This app comes with various automation challenges, making it exciting and fun. This app’s UI and UX design is very well developed and gives the best experience to the users. Key Features

They offer triggers for many daily life habits, including car temperature and phone settings, while doing physical activities like cycling, trekking, etc.  The app is free to download and use. You can also buy a subscription for extra features and a great experience. The app has weather and location triggers that can help you with outings and keep you updated. The app follows the points rule in which you must score or earn a specific number of points to unlock new features. Free to use, ads are included but not so annoying. They already have rules and inbuilt templates.

AutomateIt is a fun and free automation app. You can also make in-app purchases for a better experience. This app isn’t that complex to use, and anyone can adapt to its usability quickly.


Ecobee is well known for its home automation devices which are very much appreciated and used by many. This one has iOS and Android apps to take over your daily work. This app communicates and understands human behavior and preferences and offers comfortable and helpful features.   The developers invest their time and effort to keep the app updated regularly. Hence, the users get the best app services. The app is getting more advanced with every update, releasing new features and enhancing the old ones.  Key Features

The app is helpful and all-in-one if you also use Ecobee products. The interface is attractive and promising. You can connect one or more devices within the same app and monitor them effortlessly. The installation and usage are straightforward. Even if you are new to the app, it provides all the essential instructions to explore Ecobee.

Ecobee has already created a good reputation among people through its automation devices, and the app has made it even more comfortable.

Author’s Choice

Tasker and Automate are the most suggested and used automation apps nowadays. You can find these apps on top of the lists. However, considering the user experiences, MacroDroid and IFTTT are better. They are easy to use, have a better user interface, and the important part is you get many great features for free.


Let’s put everything in a nutshell now. Automation apps are generally made to give a better user experience to Android users. Android already provides many customizable features, and these automation apps act like the cherry on the cake. You can also explore some document automation software to save your work hours.

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